Why did we choose McAdams?


We had one other Lagotto in the family until recently, Rocky, and when he died unexpectedly, we started analyzing everything about his life.

Rocky always had a problem with food. So we changed kibble frequently at home. He would eat them for a while, and then he would stop. Occasionally, he would throw up and it made the house nervous. And around and around… He often licked his front paws. All the way down to the skin. It made our humans nervous and sad. And there was no solution. Rocky's immunity was getting worse by the day. 

With me around, they figured it had to be different. They happened to come across McAdams. Kibble that are made from the same meat that's put on people's plates. No meat meal. No chemistry. The folks at this company explained how to read the ingredients of the kibble, what the meat meal is made of, and most importantly, what problems a dog can have. So we realized that Rocky was licking his paws because he was eating kibble with meat meal.

We didn't get a sample from McAdams to test. You can only tell from one sample if the dog likes the kibble or not. We bought a two-pound package of baked kibble with the understanding that if anything happened, they would refund our money and we could give the rest of the kibble to the shelter. This attitude just confirmed that we were dealing with someone who is conscious of offering quality and health all in one. 

After a couple of days I stopped scratching and stopped having runny eyes, and anyone who has Lagotto knows what I'm talking about. My human carries these granules as treats routinely in his pocket and he and our girl Dory even tasted them once. Apparently, they are cool. The women appreciate that the kibble doesn't smell in the apartment and the bag is even pretty, so they don't mind if it's not put away in its place right away :-) 

We suggested to McAdams that we'd be happy to do some advertising and education for them. We know not everyone can afford expensive kibble. But one serving of these kibbles for me per day costs less than a cappuccino at a coffee shop. They are so good that I will write about them often.